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Vous trouverez ci-dessous le sommaire du numéro de Mai 2013, en anglais. Cliquez sur l'image pour télécharger.
News of the month
Launching of a mentoring programme by the CaMPAM Network and Forum
Focus on
Workshop on marine mammal transboundary management (MamaCocoSea Project) in Paramaribo, Suriname, 18-20 March 2013
On-going projects
■ Exchange between St. Eustatius National Parks Foundation and St. Kitts and Nevis marine resources stakeholders on lionfish management
■ Agoa monitoring campaign : Let's get started for a new year !
■ Regional Strategy for the Control and Mitigation of the Invasive Lionfish in the Wider Caribbean Region
■ A new website with a dedicated database to compile data on the protected areas listed under the SPAW Protocol
■ Outcomes of the CITES 16th meeting with respect to rays and sharks
■ First ciguatoxic risk assessment in lionfish (Pterois volitans) in Guadeloupian archipelago
■ Strengthening enforcement for Caribbean marine protected areas (MPAs)
Brief :
Additional grants awarded to WHMSI call for proposals
First ciguatoxic risk assessment in lionfish (Pterois volitans) in the Guadeloupian archipelago
Preliminary results of the manatee by-catch Pilot Project
Training on maritime traffic and options to reduce marine mammal vessel strikes
New structure of the SPAW-RAC's website
Strengthening enforcement for Caribbean marine protected areas (MPAs)
Useful links