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Vous trouverez ci-dessous le sommaire du numéro d'avril 2014, en anglais. Cliquez sur l'image pour télécharger.
News of the month :
Announcement and Save -The-Date for the upcoming Intergovernmental Meetings of the Cartagena Convention
Focus on :
Call for listing additional PAs under SPAW Protocol for next COP planned for 25th November and progress on the dedicated programme of cooperation
SPAW-listed sites and CaMPAM News
■ CaMPAM/ECMMAN Small Grant Program to promote effective marine managed areas in the Eastern Caribbean under ECMMAN project – first call for proposals
■ Learning Exchange for Junior MPA Officers in Belize organized by IUCN BIOPAMA program with the contribution of UNEP-CEP/SPAW-CaMPAM
On-going projects :
■ 'ZOE' missions : Post-larval capture and culture in Guadeloupe, FWI
■ Agoa marine mammal monitoring campaign, dry season 2014
■ Deploying Argos satellite tags on humpback whales in the Northen Lesser Antilles
■ Meeting on Scenarios for Transboundary Marine Mammal Management in the Wider Caribbean
■ Voluntary Scheme for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Territories of European Overseas
■ Fifteenth Session of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (26-28 March, 2014)
Brief :
■ Arrival of a dedicated ECMMAN project assistant
■ Ecosystem conservation and restoration : CDB Capacity-building workshop for the Caribbean in Belize City
■ Funding opportunity : USFWS Wildlife Without Borders-Latin America and Caribbean
■ Who Pays the Birds ? Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival 2014
■ Upcoming lionfish workshops to implement the Regional Lionfish Strategy at the national and sub-regional scale
■ New environmental project in Haiti within the recently declared second MPA in the country
Upcoming and recent events
Useful links