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Vous trouverez ci-dessous le sommaire du numéro de Janvier 2014, en anglais. Cliquez sur l'image pour télécharger.
News of the month :
IWC/SPAW workshop on whale disentanglement
Focus on :
MPA managers of the European Overseas Territories gather in St. Martin for a Workshop on MPA resilience to climate change
On-going projects :
■ Diversification of funding sources and partnerships with the private sector
■ Three SPAW important meetings at the GCFI Annual Conference
■ Five projects awarded as part of the cooperation program for the protected areas listed under the SPAW Protocol
■ SPAW and CaMPAM at regional and world fora (the GCFI annual conference and IMPAC3)
■ Regional Strategy for the Control of Invasive Lionfish in the Wider Caribbean presented at IMPAC3 and ICRI 28th meetings - Next steps
■ Manatee rescue, rehabilitation and release
Brief :
■ Announcement – SCSCB Changes Name to “BirdsCaribbean”
■ International partners adopt recommendation to protect parrotfish in the Caribbean
■ A new coordinator on marine mammals project at SPAW-RAC
■ 3rd International Congress on Marine Protected Areas (IMPAC3)
Useful links
Upcoming and recent events