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The main objective of this call for projects is to implement the SPAW Protocol by encouraging concrete actions for biodiversity conservation in the countries and territories of the Greater Caribbean Region.
For this call for projects, particular attention will be paid to projects carried out in countries and territories that are signatories to the SPAW protocol, as well as in territories that do not easily benefit from traditional funding.
Projects involving collaboration between one or more Caribbean territories will also be given priority.
Initiatives involving marine/terrestrial fauna and flora species listed in the SPAW protocol appendices will be appreciated, although this does not rule out other proposals.
Projects providing for medium-term (2-5 years) and/or long-term (+5 years) monitoring of effectiveness will be favored in the analysis of proposals.
Deadline : August 15, 2024 at midnight in Guadaloupe (UTC-4)
Download the presentation sheet and the application form below to submit your application.
Présentation sheet
Application Form
The SPAW RAC team