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The inscription of Protected Areas under the SPAW Protocol is a priority for the Parties. The objective is to identify particularly important areas for the Wider Caribbean Region, ad to incorporate them to this network that is dedicated to the scientific research and to regional cooperation.
The inscription to the SPAW’s protected areas list is dictated by the requirement guidelines and criteria developed by the Working Group dedicated to protected spaces. Diverse evaluation mechanisms and online tools help determine the conformity of proposed MPS’s to the requirements adopted by the Contracting Parties of SPAW.
Nowadays, 37 Protected Areas are listed under the SPAW protocole and contribute significantly to the conservation of marine and coastal biodiversity in the Caribbean.
You can consult the list of Protected Areas listed under SPAW Protocol below and download the SPAW report and a factsheet for each protected area.
9. Parque Nacional de Jaragua - listed in 2014 - Report - Factsheet
10. Parque Nacional de la Caleta - listed in 2014 - Report - Factsheet
11. Parque Nacional de Bahoruco - listed in 2014 - Report - Factsheet
12. Parque Nacional de Haitises - listed in 2014 - Report - Factsheet
13. Parque Nacional de Cotubanamá - listed in 2021 - Report - Factsheet
14. Ile du Grand Connétable - Guyane - listed in 2012 - Report - Factsheet
15. Réserve naturelle nationale des Marais De Kaw-Roura - Guyane - listed in 2019 - Report - Factsheet
16. Réserve Naturelle Nationale de l’Amana - Guyane - listed in 2019 - Report - Factsheet
17. Parc national de la Guadeloupe - listed in 2012 - Report - Factsheet
18. Étangs lagunaires de Saint-Martin - listed in 2012 - Report - Factsheet
19. Réserve Naturelle Nationale de Saint-Martin - listed in 2012 - Report - Factsheet
20. Sanctuaire Agoa - listed in 2012 - Report - Factsheet
21. Réserve Naturelle Nationale de Petite Terre - Guadeloupe - listed in 2012 - Report - Factsheet
22. Étang des Salines - Martinique - listed in 2014 - Report - Factsheet
23. Versants Nord de la Montagne Pelée - listed in 2014 - Report - Factsheet
24. Parc Naturel Marin de la Martinique - listed in 2023 - Report - Factsheet
26. Saba National Marine Park - listed in 2014 - Report - Factsheet
27. St Eustatius National Marine Park - listed in 2014 - Report - Factsheet
28. Man O War Shoal Marine Park - St. Maarten - listed in 2014 - Report - Factsheet
29. Bonaire National Marine Park - listed in 2012 - Report - Factsheet
30. The Quill and Boven National Park - St. Eustatius - listed in 2012 - Report - Factsheet
31. Saba Bank National Park - listed in 2012 - Report - Factsheet
32. Mont Scenery National Park - Saba - listed in 2019 - Report - Factsheet
34. Florida Key National Marine Sanctuary - listed in 2012 - Report - Factsheet
35. Dry Tortugas National Park - listed in 2012 - Report - Factsheet
36. Everglades National Park - listed in 2012 - Report - Factsheet
37. Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary - listed in 2012 - Report - Factsheet - Factsheet NOAA