The project « Carib-Coast: Caribbean network for prevention of coastal risks arising with climate change » (CARIB’COAST) is piloted by the Guadeloupe’s BRGM and financed by the European funds program for the regional development INTERREG. The main goal is to deploy a Caribbean network for prevention and crisis management of coastal risks that arise with climate change. The main subjects covered are coastal protection amid extreme climatic events such as hurricanes and tsunamis, the fight against coastal erosion, the fight againt climate change, the anticipation of risks through modelisation or the monitoring of coastal dynamics.
To undertake these tasks and study these diverse and complex subjects, many partners are collaborating with the BRGM : the ONF, the SPAW-RAC, the IRD, the IFREMER, the CNRS, Mona-GIS, UWI, CariCOOS, IMA and the ACS. Each partner brings complementary skills on one or several territories involved in this project : Guadelope, Martinique, Trinidad and Tobago, Puerto Rico and Jamaica.
As a regional actor for the preservation of biodiversity, the SPAW-RAC is implied in two axis of the project :
– In the third axis, titled “coastal erosion monitoring network and mitigation techniques”, the RAC works on three marine and coastal ecosystems, coral reefs, sea-grass beds and mangroves. The goals are to make a synthesis concerning the state of these ecosystems in the Caribbean and their role in the fight against coastal erosion. Another main goal is to implement communication, restoration and/or protection actions on pilot sites.
– In the fourth axis, “Decision-making tools for the management of risks and adaptation”, the SPAW-RAC is leading a study on the state of the art of different types of coastal risk management in the region in order to establish a common methodology and a perennial network. Supported mainly by the BRGM and the ACS, all results from the project will be collected in a single website. Finally, training, sensitization and communication actions will be implemented with different public (partners, managers, wide-audience associations) and at different scales (local, territorial or regional).
Useful links :
– BRGM :
– ACS :
– Interreg Caribbean :